May 22, 2022


Edition 4.

The last few years has been a rollercoaster of change for many people. Covid challenged our way of working and living. For me, this month has seen considerable change. Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be the change you want to be”. This was the slogan used when I did my Prosci ADKAR Change Management Certification many moons ago. It is also a saying I use regularly with my children and at work.

Change is Constant.

One recent change close to my heart is the launch my website A year ago today I embarked on an unknown journey, a quest of education and a thirst (no pun intended) of learning the world of wine. Having been nearly a tea-totaller, I was determined to learn about grape varieties, wine making and all that the industry has to offer. Whilst some people resorted to sour dough making during lockdowns, I’ve been attending virtual tastings, researching wine and working on building this website to share with other likeminded wine enthusiasts.

Over the past year, I’ve met some amazing and super passionate people. Visited cellar doors far and wide, tasted wines from Australia to France (and many places in between). Tried varieties that I can’t even pronounce. Made my kids eye roll when I tried (and failed) to pronounce some German varieties (think Gewurztraminer). I’ve been fortunate to have spent some brief time getting my hands dirty making wine, met some legendary winemakers too! Best of all – all of this has taken me way out of my comfort zone.

This path is only in its infancy and possibilities are numerous. I’m not exactly sure where it will go, but I’m loving every minute. Call it a new hobby, passion or obsession – I’m learning something new every day. Over the months I’ve discovered subtle intricacies of social media and website building, been introduced to Notion (an awesome note taking app), been taught how to take better photos and videos. Its not all about the wine. It’s the congruent opportunities that it presented that has made this so fun.

This week’s tip

If you set your mind on a new discovery quest – whether yours be personal or work related, be the change you want to see. It’s not about the goal, but the journey that ensues. I can guarantee you’ll be challenged, delighted, perplexed and confused at times. But overall, when you take a look in the rear view mirror – behold at the road you’ve travelled. You can do it! If we can get through a pandemic, change of government and change of seasons – you have the ability to experience lifelong learning. What’s going to be your change as we head into Winter 2022?

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